No-Code and Low-Code Development

Is Low-Code/No-Code Really the Future of Development?

August 16, 2022

Low-code and no-code development are relatively new, and yet countless experts in the field hailed it as the future. Experts are forecasting that it will become a basic life skill for anyone who knows how to use a computer in a couple of years. The optimism behind it is not surprising given the industry’s growing number of users and the innovations created every. Platforms for no-code has also expanded and it can be overwhelming already. You can read more about the no-code platforms HERE

Right now, the low-code/no-code market is still lumped together and valued at $12.85 Billion in 2020 and expected to peak at $65.15 billion by 2027 with a CAGR of 26.1% over the forecast period. In this article, we will understand why we will see more of no-code, how is it growing and where does it put traditional coding.

Why is Everyone Betting on Low-Code/No-Code?

The low-code/no-code movement is fast evolving that some are calling it a renaissance.  More platforms are also getting the support to develop and improve their products for the future no-coders.  Bubble, one of the most familiar names, raised $100 million Series A funding in July this year while Zapier got $140 million ARR and $5 billion valuation.  

Garter, an IT research and consultancy company, said that 50 percent of medium to large companies will adopt low-code/no-code in their strategic application platforms by 2024.  They also predict that 65% of app development activity will be low-code. This means there might be a significant shift in app development for businesses across industries.

The democratization of web and app building opens new doors even for non-technical people. The ideas that would have been limited by the skill can now be translated with a simple drag and drop. With everyone knowing how to create professional presentation slides with Powerpoint to everyone being a graphic designer with Canva, anyone who has an idea can be a creator with no-code.

What will be the future like with low-code/no-code?

David Arkin, CEO of Adalo, mentioned a timeline future with no-code in his talk at the Zerocode Conference last November 2020. He made some fun predictions of what can happen in the near future:

  • 2021 - More no-code products will be made than traditional coding
  • 2022 - No-code will be as common to make as with a slide deck or a spreadsheet.
  • 2023 - No-code platforms will be as powerful as low-code
  • 2024 – Dev agencies will mainstream the use of no-code
  • 2025 - Majority of schools are offering no-code subjects or courses

Low-code/no-code can penetrate mainstream usage as platforms become more sophisticated and developed. As mentioned above, it can become part of a development agencies’ process by mixing coding and no-code techniques.  It is also seen as the next basic life skill that can be used on a personal level to solve problems. It will level the playing field as more solutions can be developed by anyone who has access.


Will low-code/no-code replace coding?


There’s no need for drama between coding and low-code/no-code. The future sees a co-existence between the two development styles. After all, you will still need programmers and coders to do the backend programming for the no-code platform. Apart from that, there are still limitations to no-code that coding can do.  Here are some disadvantages of no-code:

Disadvantages of No-code

1.       Limited options

Due to limited options with a platform, customization can be quite difficult especially for complicated actions. This laves potential functions to be left out or reducedt o something subpar of the original intention.

2.       Vendor Lock-in

Another major concern is that an app or website having tied to a specific vendor means working within its features, integrations, and provisions. Cross-compatibility is not yet a thing amongst no-code vendors so switching

3.       Security Concern

No-code platforms don’t have their database management module and must be integrated by a third-party app. It can leave your data open to many sources and lose control of it eventually. When poor integration happens, there might be instances of loss or inability to access data.

Co-existence with coding will be the future. This fusion can create better services and offer better margins for development agencies. For programmers, this opens new potential and offer better solutions to the problem at hand.


Website and app building will only continue to be simplified as platforms learn how to further automate the process. Low-code/no-code will not kick programming out of the picture but rather enhance the industry. With more people engaging digitally, low-code/no-code removes the barriers that limit and give non-tech people a playing field for their ideas. Coding can enhance and further ideas down the road but for now, it’s good to know that there is a way to get that idea into reality.

Set up a discovery call with Estel HERE to discover the possibilities of creating your no-code app today. If you want to know updates, sign up with our newsletter below.


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