Mobile first strategy app development

Is a Mobile-First Strategy For You?

August 16, 2022

It seems like yesterday when everyone was excited to have a mobile phone that conveniently lets you call and text anyone in a handy device. Nowadays, mobile has became a powerful device in the palm of our hands that can let you do just about anything anywhere. In2021, mobile phones generate 54.25% of the website traffic while desktops at a close 42.9%. On average, more than half of all video views come from mobile devices. Another jarring statistic indicates that 90% of millennials have said that they always use their cell phone and six out of the seven billion people globally have mobile phones.

With mobile usage overtaking desktop, there are businesses that opted to focus on mobile platform the usual web and mobile approach. This is known as the mobile-first strategy and has been implemented by successful tech businesses. Read on to know more what is mobile-first strategy, its advantages and if it will work for your business.

What is a Mobile-First Strategy?

Mobile-first strategy an approach to developing websites in which the mobile-enabled version of the website is given priority over its desktop version. It can mean that services will only be accessible using mobile only. It banks on the fact that if the mobile experience can convert to sales or leads, only then will other devices will follow - or not.

Traditionally, businesses are accessible both in website and apps to capture a large market. However, the fast growth of mobile phone usage has made it possible for a business to thrive even with that platform. With more software being developed through no-code app development, mobile-first strategy is becoming a fast and easy way to launch minimum viable products (MVPs) and full-fledged businesses. Read our blog on how creating a no-code app can grow your business.

How does Mobile-First Strategy Work ?

The mobile-first strategy begins by releasing a mobile-enabled version of the website that can perform that service or provide product advertised. At times, a desktop website can be released together with the mobile version, but will not have access to provide service. It will just be an informational website that may consist a landing page which describes the mobile application, describe the company or awareness-based questions like frequently asked questions (FAQ) or contact details.

How to Know if Your Business is Ready for a Mobile-First Strategy?

All businesses can do mobile-first strategy but its efficiency will vastly differ. Although a big chunk of activity happens on mobile, it all boils down to your customer. Their behavior, attitude, and mobile usage will indicate if having this strategy works. Take a review of your operations and internal system if this is viable or if there will be additional spending.

Check if your business can attain these two goals to create a profitable mobile-first status:

  • Your business has evolved to adopt a mobile-focused culture for your customers
  • You can quantify, regulate, and control mobile spend and cost to get more customers

What are the Advantages of a Mobile-First Strategy?

If your business is ready for a mobile-first strategy, you will enjoy a number of benefits across all sections of your business.

1.  Accessible anywhere

Your products and service can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Since most people use their mobile phones more frequently than desktops, it is a platform to concentration.

A business that is mobile-first has built a culture of providing the best experience across different devices. Make sure to cater to different platforms and models so you won’t miss out any opportunity.  

2. Reduced defects

 Having simple mobile apps can reduce the bugs and lags which can interfere with a smooth user experience. It ensures all your design elements will work on mobile devices because it has the basic operations needed to perform the job. You can gradually enhance the project to optimize it without hurting the targeted sales.

3. Faster load times

The simpler the content in the app the faster it will load. You will also be forced to put the important details only reducing theneed for frills that can slow down the app. This can reduce the bogging and can even help in improving your organic SEO.

4. More responsive for enhanced user experience

The better the user experience (UX)  with an app, the more likely they will use it again. This makes sure that your customer can easily access all services.

5. Focus

In terms of operations, your costs are focused rather than servicing app and a website. These means that you manpower is more focused in maintaining and improving your mobile app thereby making strong launch for the product or service. When it comes to finances, having a focus can control the outflow and keep it regulated as well.


At the early stage of the business, it helps to steadily grow why you maintain healthy finances. These finances can support growth of the business or expansion into webservices.


Mobile-first strategy is still at the early stages but has been slowly picking up over the years. With the increase in web developers and the rise of no-code development, app creation has become easier. The adaptability of mobile usage has led to businesses delaying and evaluating the need for other platforms. Although mobile-first strategy does not eliminate the idea of building a website. It is a way for businesses to easily start their business through MVPs and grow from there.

If you are ready to take the next step in mobile-first strategy, take the leap with Estel. Estel specializes in no-code app development with our certified Adalo experts. The future is no-code and so are you.  If you want more updates on no-code sign up for our newsletter below.

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